So Much for the AFC West...

Denver lost against the heavily underdog Niners, to miss the playoffs in the last week of the season.
KC's running game (and consequently their season) was brought to an abrupt end by another underdog with the worst run defense in the the NFL.
And the 14-2 Chargers (or more accurate Chargeless) are one and done after taking a week off and hosting the underdog Pats. They lost in a devastating heartbreaking style when on a crucial 4th down the Pats threw an interception, which was then fumbled to give back the ball to the PATS. Add the stupid wasted challenge which came back to haunt them and it doesn't get any worse than that..
While the mediots and our rivals like to smirk and laugh at the Raiders the facts are:
The Raiders have WON, 4 playoff games in the past 7 seasons
The Donkeys have won 1 playoff game in the last 8 years
The Chargeless have NOT WON a playoff in the last 12 years
The Chefs have NOT WON a playoff in the last 13 years
(Thanks Calico Jack for the data)
So much for the rivals taking advantage of the Raiders down cycle..The mediots and the haters like to brag, but what have they done???
fuck the chargers
Fuck the CHARGERS and their FANS!!!!!!!!! Their bullshit theme song should go something like this SAN DIEGO SUPER CHOCKERS (with the fucked up 70's music in the background). R8RDAD from L.A to the BAY go RAIDERS!!!!!!!!
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