What is Raider Raza...

Welcome to Raider Raza. The great thing about Raider Raza is that it transcends everything: race, religion, gender, and age. Raider Nation encompasses everything that manages to divide us everywhere but at a football game. Everyone is welcome, and no one is a stranger for longer than it takes to crack open a cold one and chant RAIDERS.
One of our goals is to dispel the negative sterotypes and rumors portrayed by the national media about Raider fans. Don't believe everything you hear..

We at Raider Raza are those commited to Raider Nation in the Extreme. We are the Best Fans, The Best Tailgaters, The Best Looking, The Most Passionate, The Most Loyal, The Most Fun, We are the Best of Raider Nation..

Come join us..On SATURDAY NIGHT we are besides the entrance gate, in BETWEEN the Basketball Stadium and the 880 Freeway...On GAMEDAY we are in the North Parking Lot, in the FIRST ROW, of D lot, directly in front of the cheerleaders parking lot and the basketball Stadium...

Raider Raza - Keep on sending out your positive Raider vibe. Being a Raider fan reminds me of my service in the Marine Corps ... proud men & women who didn't care about race, age, or ethnicity with a collective cause & purpose.
Way to Berto!! I love raider raza
Go Raiders
Raider Raza Diva
I love the Divas
You haven't tailgate until you join the RAIDER RAZA Saturday nigth party next to the freeway before home games.
Thanks for all the love-
Raider Raul
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